Search Engine Optimisation?

What is Search Engine OptimisationSearch Engine Optimisation

In the wonderful world of the Internet, specifically when it has to do with making your website the most searchable one on the planet, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO, as it is called) can make the difference between being searchable, but with 100 others, or searchable with 10 or 20 others.

It’s really that important for a website to consider this optimisation, since the whole idea is to drive traffic to your website.

The Definition of SEO

So, what is SEO, you might ask? Well, it is literally a way of making a website the most searchable it can be, by a combination of registering with search engines, utilizing certain criteria for maximum results, thus placing your website as highest-ranking as is possible.

It seems like it is very complex, but it really isn’t, once you get the hang of it.

The Importance of the Keyword

One of the most important components, with regard to SEO, is the keyword, which can be keywords, up to 15-20 per web page in order not to be flagged for “keyword spam” by a search engine.

It used to be, were you could pretty much get away with loading your web pages chock full of “keywords”, but now that search engines have started to search for this, with regard to keeping everything as fair as possible, it’s just best to keep to a maximum of 15-20, per web page, period.

This means if you have 5 articles on a webpage, you only want to put three keywords into each of them, period. If you want to put 10 articles on a webpage, then only 2 per article will get you by, in order to not be flagged as a “spamming” website.

Keywords should be as unique as possible and relevant to the material you are writing about, too.

Creating Unique Content: A Must

The content of your articles, when placing them with keyword saturation on a website, is very important. You don’t want something boring that no one can either care about or understand.

Your goal is to keep someone interested, informed and liking what you have to say.

Specific links, generating from the article, are what keep them interested further in products and services, so it is an absolute must that you keep the content flowing, informative and memorable to the person reading it.

What a Title Tags, Header Tags, and Keyword Meta Tags Are

Tags are just what they sound like: they are labels that, when working together, create the best ranking possible in the realm of Search Engine Optimisation. Each title tag can be at least 60 words, and can contain a few keywords.

This is kind of an introduction that can be put together. Header tags can be numbering 1-7, and should be done, because they are what search engines look for, so this is crucial to remember.

Think about the best, relevant information you can choose, when thinking about header tags.

Finally, keyword Meta tags are not to be overused, as was discussed previously; they need to be used only as much as is required, or they will get your web page or pages flagged, which is completely non-productive for SEO.

Seeing the importance of Search Engine Optimisation is a bit hard at first, since the science behind the search engine is a bit complex, and involved certain algorithms and other mathematical calculations.

The unique content of each web page will put your website up there above the rest, which is the ideal place to be, always.

If you are looking for SEO Consulting or Small Business Web Design services, Contact Us today.