Going Social For Traffic Generation

Everyone who has a website or blog these days is trying to find ways to increase their traffic generation.Social Media Traffic Generation

If you have found this article then you are no different. You are in search of ways to increase the amount of traffic that goes to your website because you want it to rank better in the search engine listings.

Well you have come to the right place, the following tips and tricks will help you to get your website or blog out of the dumps and off the 14th page of Google.

  1. If you do blog then you can enhance traffic generation by adding your URL to every blog post that you make. Persons even if they were not looking for your services before will follow as they may just want to see what exactly you have to offer.
  2. By using a Squidoo Lens, these allow you to make a community for yourself and you can place pages here from your wider community along with your website.
  3. Article writing and submission. There are quite a number of submission directories out there but one of the well known ones is Ezine Articles. Many persons have been successful writing and submitting articles to this directory as well as other directories on the web.
  4. Go on social websites. You don’t have to go on the popular ones; there are some out there that will give you some good traffic although they are not widely known. All you have to do is join them and start posting forums and making comments, all with your major blog or website mentioned somewhere.
  5. If you are a blogger and are familiar with Digg and del.icio.us then you will love blog-buzz.com this website allows you to submit your articles so they can generate you traffic.
  6. Go to the various answers websites and give your answers as well as a link to your page. These websites include wiki answers, LinkedIn Answers and Yahoo answers to name a few.
  7. Be the first to write a post about the ‘Top Ten Blogs’ in your niche. The post will rank highly in any general search for blogs in your niche and other bloggers in your niche write about the post and link to it.
  8. Use your archives, instead of replacing content archive it. There may be people who are looking for the content that you had three months ago who will go to other websites since you have removed yours.
  9. Write on a current topic that is in the news everywhere. Persons like to be in the know and like to see who is thinking the same way that they are. If they agree with your piece they will leave a comment and will come back to hear what you have to say next. If they don’t like it they will leave a comment also and come back to hear your response also or just to see what you are now ranting about this time around.

These tips will be sure to help you with traffic generation, so use them, maybe one maybe use them all and good luck!