Boost Sales From Your Email Marketing Leads

Email Marketing Leads

Can you imagine sending out snail mails to hundreds or thousands of clients?Email Marketing Leads

Not only it is certainly very time consuming and would take a lot of work but also it is very costly. In response to this predicament, internet experts have created one useful tool that will not only make the work faster but cost efficient too – and this is through Email marketing leads.

Email marketing is a simple online tool of communicating and reaching out to existing and potential clients through electronic means. This is made possible through the use of certain software that will allow users to send bulk mail in a matter of minutes.

Studies reveal that in United States alone, both small and big companies spent millions of dollars for this kind of marketing campaign. The Australian market is also now catching up on the millions spent in other countries with digital advertising spend increasing year over year. It only proves that this method is an effective way not only to invite clients but also to keep your customers.

Build That Email List

Building an email list is one important aspect to achieve success through email marketing leads. Without this, you’re effort of promoting your business would be a waste of time. A very convenient to do this is to purchase your email list. There are several companies that do sell lists of emails of potentials customers. The better way to do this is to employ the services of a lead generation company who can provide targeted leads.

Having a list of targeted customers will make your job easier.

Create That Perfect Email – Every Time

When sending out emails, you must also know how to catch the attention of the recipient. Your message must not contain words or phrases that are too long. It should be something that is brief and precise and should contain something that will drive the attention of the reader. Make it appear in a natural manner otherwise there is a chance that the spam filters could pick it up before you email marketing leads do.

Let the customer feel that what you have to offer is a win-win solution. Not only that you will benefit from this but most importantly, it will give him or her greater advantage.

Using email marketing as a means of advertising to make potential sales is very beneficial especially to small businesses. Cost wise, this is not very costly at all. And since majority is using the internet, this method can definitely reach a large number of clients.

This can be regarded as another form of direct selling since you are interacting and dealing directly to the customer without third party or business mediator involved. This is a good way to build trust and confidence to your customers. Through constant interaction and communication, you will be able to create a good business relationship with your clients.

Especially in times where competition is really tough, a smart business owner must know how to retain his or her clients and keep them from driving away.

Practice Makes Perfect

Acquiring leads through the use of email marketing is a proven effective way. Once you have acquired or generated your email marketing leads, you must ensure that these customers would build a strong business relationship with your company.

One best way to do this is to make your customers realize the benefit of doing business with you. Lay down all the good things that your product or services can offer. Create an impression that they don’t simply want your product or service but it is a necessity.

Appropriately and intelligently using email marketing leads can be a very useful gear to boost your business and acquire even more leads and make relevant increases in your sales.

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Improving Email Deliverability by Targeting ISP Spam Filters

Email Deliverability

There’s no point in looking to grow your small business email subscribers to your newsletter or weekly specials unless you can maintain a high levelEmail Deliverability of Email Deliverability.

Overcoming the spam filters so you can get a higher assurance of email deliverability to your customers is a tricky path to walk.

It would be one thing if the email subscriber was simply using Microsoft Outlook spam filtering. Under those circumstances, it is the end customer who is determining how to filter emails.

Besides that, Microsoft Outlook and other local email software spam filters are just not that good.

Add to that the fact that your ordinary internet citizen is not interested in becoming a full time spam security guard and the local spam filtering problem is fairly easy to overcome.

Email Deliverability & ISP Spam Filters

But there is another level of spam filtering that is really making email deliverability a much harder road to travel if you are using cold emails and mass mailings to large groups of customers. That is spam filtering at the Internet Service Provider or ISP level. ISP providers have much greater resources and a much greater motivation to provide sophisticated spam filtering to their customers.

The ability to control spam is a major marketing point for any ISP and if the ISP is unable to stop spam before it even reaches the customer, the customer can be easily lured away by a competitor who can get the job done.

When you are dealing with some of the biggest ISPs in Australia, if you cannot enter into a relationship with that ISP to prove you are a valid internet service and to show that they should not allow their spam blocking software to block you too, you could see hundreds or thousands of your emails get deleted before they even have a chance to go to the customer.

To protect their customer base who for many ISPs represents a huge potential marketing audience for you, ISPs will authenticate vendors to weed out the spammers and phony operators who just want to abuse the trust customers put in their email and internet providers.

Improving Email Deliverability with ISPs

The first step to getting to a relationship of trust with the major ISPs who control access to your customers is to prove to them that you are a valid internet business. They want to know that you are selling a bona fide product or service, that you have been in business a while and that you will be in business to support your customers for the long-haul.

These are not unreasonable requirements to be allowed to use the email box of potentially thousands of email customers.

The second level of authentication that each ISP will require has to do with your integrity in the use of email as a marketing tool. It doesn’t take a lot of examples to demonstrate that email marketing is one of the most abused forms of business communications.

ISPs want to know you are not going to run scams through email to its customers and that you are going to treat customers with respect in regards to how you use your marketing privileges if they are granted. Once this trust has been obtained, you will notice a significant rise in email deliverability – but you must also continue to work at keeping that trust.

The process of gaining approval is one you can learn about by entering into a dialog with one of the major ISPs through whom you hope to send marketing emails. In general, the process will be the same for most ISPs after that.

So once you have walked through the process with one ISP, not only will you know the ropes but you will have the approval of that first internet business entity to show to the rest and your reputation will begin to grow with subsequent applications.

Be patient and give this process proper care and attention because the payoffs of gaining the trust of the major ISPs in the industry can be huge.

If you are looking for SEO Consulting or Small Business Web Design services, Contact Us today.

How SEO Consulting Can Benefit Any Business

SEO Consulting

Whether you are a small business, a medium enterprise or even a sole-trader, the benefits of having an online presence are a must in today’s tech-savvy world. Obtaining SEO Consulting services can give your business the edge over your competition.SEO Consulting

The days of creating a simple website to drive traffic have come to an end and the days of highly optimised websites and social networks are here. Being found online can be the difference between expansion of your business or the loss of clients to your competitors.

To ensure that your online estate is pulling its weight in driving leads, customers and growing your business, you should look at SEO Consulting to give you the advantage over your competition.

Many SEO consulting services provide you with strategies for using your current online estate to be easily found for the product or service that you offer.

SEO consulting services help you by performing Search Engine Optimisation or SEO Analysis on your current online estate and provide recommendations to gain higher search engine results on targeted keywords that your consumers are searching for.

In seeking a professional SEO consulting service, you should ensure that the SEO consultant reviews both On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO. This ensures that the content on your website is written and published in such a way that it helps to achieve greater visibility with search results, while also ensuring that you are seen as a authority for your good or service.

Whether you are looking to build a strong online profile for your small business or increase your local market dominance, SEO Consulting services can provide you with a strategic online business plan to achieve the results you want.

In today’s current technology web-sphere, consumers turn to the Internet first and foremost to find what they are looking for. SEO consulting services by Sydney Freelance help the small business owner by ensuring that they are not left out from the potential customer base that exist online.

By receiving the appropriate SEO consulting advice and implementing the required SEO practices, you can:

  • Access a whole new marketplace for promote your product or service
  • Strategically target your local, regional or national market
  • Lower marketing and promotion costs
  • Track and measure your results

Sydney Freelance offers professional SEO consulting services, with SEO packages that incorporate proven and long-standing techniques, as well as new SEO strategies to give you that competitive advantage while providing cost-effective and strategically created SEO plan to suit your individual business.

If you are looking for SEO Consulting services for your website, contact Sydney Freelance.

Avoiding Scams when Working From Home

Avoiding Scams

Many people falsely believe that all work on the internet is a scam. This isn’t true.Avoiding Scams

Working from home is a great way to spend time with your family and have more control over your day to day life, and there are many great places to find online work.

This is never truer than in the case of freelance writers.

Here are some tips for avoiding scams when working from home.

Avoiding Scams by Using Reputable Freelancer Sites

Freelance writing jobs seem to be less scam-filled than other forms of online jobs. I am not sure why.

The biggest thing you have to watch out for in our business is being ripped off by a client who neglects to pay you.

Once you have a reputation you can set up your own profile with references and ask for payment in advance of your work. When first starting out however, you may not be able to request payment up front.

Going through a reputable freelancer service that either pays a flat rate per article or offers certain protection from clients who don’t pay is the best way to start out. Always check to see what the policy is before accepting work as this is a sure fire way of avoiding scams.

Avoiding Scams by Focusing on Payments

Another way to avoid scams is to set up a personal limit. Clients are apprehensive about paying up front because they don’t want you to scam them. There is a lot of mistrust out there.

However, since you are trying to avoid being ripped off yourself you need to set up some ground rules. For example, you can tell new clients that you have to be paid after 5 articles in order to set up a trusting relationship.

No client should have a issue with that as it shows that you are genuine and are here for the long-haul. Then you can increase it to ten, then twenty, and after that you would simply let the client pay you by the week or on their terms.

Of course every client is different and some cannot afford to pay up front for large orders. You may need to look at other avenues here hen avoiding scams.

Avoiding Scams by using Social Security Numbers

If you are an American citizen working for an American citizen you will have to fill out tax papers that include your social security number for each client that you make $600.00 or more dollars from.

Some clients want this to begin with; others are willing to wait till you hit that mark. Be cautious of this but understand it is the rule. Always keep copies of all 1099 that you fill out and retain the names and addresses of all clients that you work for.

If you are an Australian business you usually complete an order form or provide a receipt which contains your ABN. Your ABN is a unique identifier for your business and all business and tax dealings are carried out under this number, so make sure that you keep copies of everything.

These are only a few pointers into avoiding scams when working from home, however it pays to be diligent with all business transactions to ensure that you don’t end up losing more than you bargained for.

If you are looking for SEO Consulting or Small Business Web Design services, Contact Us today.

Local Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tips

Local Search Engine Optimization

Local Search Engine OptimizationImplementing a sound Local Search Engine Optimization strategy is the best way to drive traffic (and potential customers) to your website in an effort to increase sales.

As a small business, having an online presence and being found online has never been more important than it has in the current business marketplace.

You do not need to be a small business that sells it’s products or services online, however in this tech-savvy world more and more consumers are turning to using the internet to find the services and products that they want before they leave their homes.

Below is a list of important Local Search Engine Optimization tips to perform on your website that may help you increase your customer base:

Register Your Website With All The Major Search Engines

The 3 major search engines, being Bing, Yahoo and of course Google all have their own Webmaster or Website service tools. You can create an account with each and submit your site to them.

Target Keywords Using Local Search Engine Optimization Techniques

Keywords are one of the most important aspects of Local Search Engine Optimization. Take for example if you are a florist in Sydney, Australia – you would want to target the keywords “Sydney florist” as that would be the primary search term that consumers would be searching for.

Do Not Over Use Keywords

There is a certain ‘sweet spot’ to the number of keywords that should be used per webpage. Over-doing it can actually work against you, so you should focus on using one keyword per page.

Build Quality Backlinks

Building off-page SEO content, or backlinks are a very important aspect of Local Search Engine Optimization.  You can write articles, create videos and submit blog posts to other blogs to get backlinks. There are different kinds of backlinks such as one way links, two way links, reciprocal links, etc.  These types of links all work differently and you should consult your SEO Consultant to create a sound SEO strategy.

Create Quality Content

When you use content on your website as part of your local search engine optimization strategy, try to make it as interesting and to provide a purpose or a benefit to the reader. The more useful, beneficial and interesting content that you create and longer visitors will remain on your site and the higher potential that they will become a return visitor and a customer.

Title Tags

Search engine use title tags to calculate the topic of your page and site as a whole. Using relevant title tags will aide in your local search engine optimization strategy.

Using all of the above advice will get you some really great SEO for your website, although there are more things you can do, that you can look into by performing a web search.

If you are looking for SEO Consulting or Small Business Web Design services, Contact Us today.

Free Tools to Use in Freelancing Jobs


Freelancing isn’t an easy job as the competition is fierce and cut-throat.


Whether you are a writer, a web designer or a programmer, there are thousands like you out there who are also looking for freelancing jobs so you need to have special skills or tools to stand apart from them and get noticed.

Online Jobs

To assist the freelancers in finding the right kind of freelancing jobs, several freelancer websites have sprung up which allow employers to post jobs for a fee and obtain skilled labor in return.

Getting yourself registered at these websites would be the first step to ensure that you get a steady flow of freelancing jobs.

Varied freelancing jobs such as web designing, web programming, article writing and editing, photo editing and graphic designing are available online.

One has to simply choose the right kind of job that suits their set of skills.

Tools for Web Developers

For web developers there are a number of tools available that can help in testing and optimizing the websites that they create.

Google Analytics – Google Analytics is a web analytics service that provides statistics and basic analytical tools for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and marketing purposes.

LoadStorm – Can be used by web developers to check the loading time of websites that they have created. This free tool can be used to create as many test plans and scenarios required to test the website.

Google’s Website Optimizer is another device which helps developers in analyzing user actions and traffic to create error free websites.

Tools for Writers

For freelance writers the tools available are also multiple and varied.

Keynote is one such free software that allows content writers to arrange research notes by adding and multiplying various notes and compiling them together.

White Smoke is another such application that enables writers to proof read their documents and helps in improving the sentence structures for more innovative and grammatically correct sentences.

Tools for Photo Editors

Photo editors can use Picnik to crop, resize, rotate and give final touches to their edited photos.

All the above mentioned free tools can be used by freelancers to enhance and improve their performance for all freelancing jobs.

If you are looking for SEO Consulting or Small Business Web Design services, Contact Us today.

Tips for Over-Coming Writers Block

Writers Block

Most writers will experience some form of writers block at some time. This is basically a time when you just can’t seem to write.Writers Block

Nothing creative comes to mind and it is nearly impossible to put word to paper.

Fortunately this is very common and in most cases over-coming writer’s block is very simple.

Here are some basic tips for over-coming writer’s block:

Take Time off Between Projects

Though it isn’t always possible it is usually a good idea to take time off between projects. This helps to keep the mind sharp.

Even if it just a day or a few hours, it is a good idea to take some time off from writing after each individual project and get your mind together. This is especially true if you are having trouble coming up with something to write about.

Schedule a Certain Time Each Day to Write

For some people looking at writing as a day to day job with real requirements can help to stave off writer’s block. It is a good idea to set a scheduled time each day to sit down and write.

This helps to make your job seem more legitimate and can also help to keep you motivated. For some people a little motivation is all that is required in over-coming writer’s block.

Do Not Take on Too Much

One mistake that writers, especially new writers, make is taking on too much work. If you take on more work than you can reasonably handle you will get worn down quickly and find a sort of exhaustion induced writer’s block.

This is especially true if you are writing about things that aren’t of great interest to you. Being bored and overworked can quickly lead to writer’s block. When the mind becomes overwhelmed it shuts down like any other organ.

Therefore by overextending yourself you end up getting more stressed and getting less done. Sydney Freelance can help take the stress away from such menial tasks.

Take a Break

If you are really feeling worn down it is a good idea to take a break. Even if it just means grabbing a soda and sitting outside for five or ten minutes, get away from the computer screen and take a break. This can refresh the mind and the spirit.

It may get very frustrating sometimes, however over-coming writer’s block is not as difficult as you think. A few simple steps will have you refreshed and back at it in no time.

If you are looking for SEO Consulting or Small Business Web Design services, Contact Us today.

The Importance of Building an Online Profile

Building an Online Profile

There are a variety of beneficial reasons for building an online profile. This is a great way to promote your work and get your name out there.Building an Online Profile

Here are some of the many reasons why building an online profile is well worth the effort taken.

A Place to Display your Work

An online profile is a great way to display your work. Online profiles can contain as much or as little information as you would like and it is best to keep them concise and to the point.

Make sure to include examples of your work and accomplishments as well as a reliable source of contact. When potential clients see your online profile it is the first sample they get of you.

Think of it as a portfolio that is available to the entire globe. Only display your best work.

Self Promotion

The right keyword phrases and a little SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can help to get your profile to the top of search engines. This helps to put you ahead of competitors who have poorly written profiles or do not have a profile at all.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be the first name to pop up on Google after a search for “freelance writer”?


One of the biggest benefits by and large of an online profile is that it exhibits professionalism. This is even truer when you purchase a personalized domain name.

Now you have your own domain, an online profile that displays all of your best quality, a contact point, and even some examples of your work. You can even throw in a nice, professionally done portrait.

This really helps to make you seem like a legitimate person to do business with. You can even use this spot to include personal references or better yet, quotes from former clients that illustrate how wonderful you are.

Sets You Apart from the Crowd

Though there may be a writer on the web with the same amount of experience and the same education level, if they don’t have a profile— you will automatically appear more prepared.

Professional profiles really set you apart from the crowd and this is very important in today’s world.

Building an online profile is something that can be very quick to establish and the benefits that you would reap will continue for many years.

If you are looking for SEO Consulting or Small Business Web Design services, Contact Us today.

Working from Home as a Freelance Writer

Freelance Writer

There are a lot of reasons why working from home as a freelance writer is great. The reasons vary from person to person and these are just a few, butFreelance Writer they are definitely some of the best.

Make Your Own Hours

Though there are exceptions, most freelance writers who work from home make their own hours. For most jobs if you want to work all night and turn in your work in the morning, this isn’t a problem.

If you like to start your day out early and turn in your work in the afternoon, this is typically just as fine. In addition to deciding when to work, you can also decide how much to work. For the most part in the world of online freelancing there is plenty of work and a lot of flexibility for a freelance writer.

If you want to take a week off or sleep in on a Monday this is usually quite easy to arrange without issue. If you want to work forty hours one week and then scale back the next week, simply take on less work. It is all possible in the world of freelance writing.

Free Daycare

Though it isn’t the optimal situation for everyone, parents of young children can typically work their schedule so that they can write and still make sure their children are cared for at home. This not only allows children to stay home with their parents but it also saves the parents money on babysitting and daycare.

Decide Your Income

For the most part freelance writing pays out what you put in. This works in two ways. In the first sense you are able to take on as much or as little work as you see fit, so you are already making a financial decision right there.

The other way that this works is that you are able to set your price for most jobs and even for set price work there are a wide range of pay levels for a freelance writer.

So once you have gained a little bit of experience and developed some references you can refuse to work below a certain price and you will probably find enough work to fill your needs—as long as the price isn’t too ridiculous.

If you are looking for SEO Consulting or Small Business Web Design services, Contact Us today.

Dealing with Client Complaints

Client Complaints

In the service providing business, it is inevitable that you’ll receive complaints from clients.

Client Complaints

In business, civility and respectfulness should always be practiced when dealing with client complaints.

You want to preserve two things here: your credibility as an excellent service provider, and the business relationship that you have with your client.

There are a few things that must be done when faced with such concerns:

Listen To the Client

Listening is always an important part of any relationship, all the more for a business relationship. There’s a saying that goes, “The customer is always right.” Although this is not necessarily true of course, you still have to give your client the benefit of listening to what they found undesirable or lacking in your service.

Find Out the Flaws in Your Service

It may be that the customer’s complaints are invalid, and they may simply need reminding about the terms of your agreements. It might even be that the complaints are the result of a mere mis-communication. It is only when you know what truly causes displeasure to your client that you will be able to do something about it.

Keep Your Cool

It never helps to have two hotheads trying to make the other person see things there way. Remember that you are the service provider and the client being the paying party. Be humble and civil especially if you’re dealing with a temperamental client. Keep your professional cool and don’t allow yourself to get riled. This could be disastrous to your relationship with the client.

Do Damage Control

You can only resolve client complaints fully and effectively if you’ve gotten your facts straight. Damage control measures should be done as soon as possible in order to pacify a demanding client.

Look At The Bright Side

Although client complaints are something to worry about because it indicates slip-ups, this is also a good opportunity to double-check the quality of service that you are providing for your clients. Do not see client complaints as setbacks to your credibility as a freelancer, but appreciate the opportunity to improve your services for the better.

If you are looking for SEO Consulting or Small Business Web Design services, Contact Us today.